Sunday, November 04, 2007

8318 on day number 4

It's not a bad start so far. I'm loving my characters and the plot bunnies that are attacking me. Having days off inevitably means little sleep because I try to do more than I should around the house and OL.

So..ready for a snippet? I warn you, it's very rough!

Lilliane was awakened from sleep by the sound of rustling around. Sitting up she drew the sheets over her and blinked into the dark of the room, letting her eyes adjust and startled at how well she could see in the dim lit room. He sat on the edge of her bed, one leg curled up to his chest and fully nude. His body glowed silver in the light of the moon. Muscles were awash in a play of light and shadow. She sat back into the dark shadow away from the window, studying him. He didn't move, keeping his gaze out into night, his thoughts veiled from her. But clearly he was troubled. Hurting, and it stung her. Tucking wild strands of her hair back and slowly reached for him. Leaning forward, she touched his arm. He didn't flinch, aware of her movements. His hand came up over hers and he looked back, his eyes softening as his fingers caressed over hers.

“We will not be gone long, my love.” he said softly and the words struck her low in her gut.

“You're leaving?” the words came out in a whisper, barely audible. “Both...both of you?”

“Aye.” he turned back, his gaze again seeking the moon, a frown tugging at his mouth. She was lost in his mouth for a moment, so full...and her heart clenched in her throat. “It is important, Lilliane.” was all he could say. He could feel the hurt in her, seeping from her hand as she slowly drew it back, tucking it back under the sheet she'd drawn around her like a shell, for protection.

Protection from him.

The irony of that was not lost on him and he pulled himself up to standing, moving over to peer more closely out the window. Motion in the trees surrounding Brogan's keep concerned him and he reached absently for his sword, finding nothing but his bare hip. He glanced back to where his belt lay neatly folded, on the other side of the bed. Her eyes moved towards it as well, then back to him, the full swell of her lower lip trembling softly with unhidden emotion.
Light surrounded his form, once again casting him a glow of silver and the beauty of his body struck her low, spreading out in an aching sting as she recalled the hours earlier, lost his the folds of those arms as they held her to him. Her heart skipped several beats when he moved, reaching instinctively for the sword that was sworn to her protection. The sudden striking blow that he was heading out into uncertainty, and possibly death struck her and she had to choke down the sob that threatened in her throat. Both of them.

Both of them were leaving. Tristan stretched lazily, snoring softly on the couch drawn near to the door, oblivous to the war of emotions that played between her and Gabriel now. He'd be aware soon enough. Her hands shook as she rose, clutching the sheet to her slender body. Gabriel watched her silently, not moving from the window which framed him. An eyebrow lifted as she bent to gather up her chemise, the soft buttery gown she'd been wearing. Slowly she made to tug the soft linen over her head, casting him nervous glances as she did.
His arms were folded across his chest and he stood motionless. Fully nude still and unashamed. Heat rose quickly to her cheeks as she tied the string at her neck, sitting back onto the bed. Both remained silent. He didn't need words to see the nervous upset written in her every motion. Nor did she to see his troubled mind. It was a small comfort to know he did not wish to leave either. But still, it would not keep him at her side, safe within the stone walls of her home.

For she was no longer safe here. None of them were.

She didn't pull the gown on and he sighed, moving finally to sit on the bed next to her. Reaching he tucked a curl back behind her ear, tracing fingers along the shell. His eyes glittered around words unsaid and she let the sob escape her, tipping her head to press it against the wide expanse of his palm.

He gathered her up, dragging her into is lap, his arms coming around her strongly. Hands caressing her hair, her back as he held her. He could not avoid the task appointed to him. It would mean the death of him, his brother and their very soul, the woman now in his arms.

“Conri will not leave you while we are away.” he whispered into her hair and she chocked on a sob, letting her body shudder silently against his. “And we shall return before the first fall of snow.”

They both knew it was a promise he could not make.


Blogger HoneyD said...

brava!! beautiful words - what a story - I want to read more. You are so talented!! congratulations on getting on your way to the 5,000 mark

6:51 AM  
Blogger Pensive said...

You go, sweets!!!.. GREAT snippet!

7:20 AM  

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