Sunday, December 23, 2007

The day before

I work tonight, I work on christmas. I get christmast eve off. Thank goodness.

Work has been wonderfully quiet the past two days. Thank Gods for small favors. I'm sick, I have a bad head/chest cold. I don't feel ambitious enough to work work. I'm glad for a few lazier days.

I miss my girlfriend. She started on a new schedule that is strictly days, where I work strictly nights. It's better for her. A desk job. She hates it. But it keeps her away from sick patients.

I have boxes ready to send to people. They're not sent. Which means they won't be for the holidays. I hate working nights for this reason...the post office is open only when I want to sleep!

I haven't written anything lately. Today, my brain is to fuzzy. Cold medicine makes it so I can't think. I have thoughts but they don't come full circle. Random thoughtlets.



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